We are product oriented companay. Couple of our SaaS products are in development pipeline. Our awsome team finished some produts. Take a look our produts

Tiles Pad

Tiles Pad is a complete cloud business solutions for small to medium size tiles and sanitary business or distributor business. Take a look at our currently provided features. See more at www.tilespad.com

Realtime Dashboard
Easy Administration
Account Module
Purchase Module
Sales Module
Easy Product Setup
Basic HR
Awesome Reports


What's service you need? We provide competitive service in the following business areas. Choose yours and connect with us.

Web Development

We provide responsive standard web solutions.

Business Application

Building moder business application with latest technology is our core action. The quality makes us diffrent.

Mobile Application

Realtime mobile application is a demand of current time. We are here to provide your mobile application solutions.

Cloud Solutions

We have an extensive experiecne on aws and azure cloud servicess. We provide consultancy and services as well.


Grab your ecommerce platform with popular CMS (nopcommerce, woocommerce, megento, etc.) or custom solutios.

Business Analaysis

In some sort of point we are open to provide business analysis to footsteps on automation.

Data Analaysis

Do you have a dig data and want to get effective business analysing report? Come to us, we are open for it.

Hardware & Networking

We provide corporate hardware and networking services.

Client Testimonial


Some of our successfull proejcts.


Get in touch with us

Address :

House# E16 (1st floor), Banasree Main Road, South Banasree, Dhaka, 1219


Email : info@datacrud.com

Phone : +880 1715 189 043